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Have you considered investing? By investing I mean, please buy my art. I hope that you will find that your purchase will indeed be a good investment. I have a limited time here on this earth, so my window to create is small, limiting the supply of original Sperros. 


One artist said it best, "I am creating things to replace myself with." I am investing my time and my energy, my health and my wealth, into these few works of art. I hope you love them as much as I do, and will help me see them last long after I'm gone. I wish I could afford to give them to anyone who loved them as much as me. If I did, I, unfortunately, could not afford to make more. I hope my art outlives me. I hope my art outlives you. I am working as hard as I can to build the art to last with only the finest ingredients and most proven methods. Please make this investment and join the Sperro Art Conservation Society. 


The Gallery

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