What is the Imaginarium...
At the heart of Sperro Art is a magical place called the Imaginarium. It's not just a studio—it's a sanctuary, a space where imagination thrives and art is born. As an extension of artist JP Sperro himself, the Imaginarium is where the alchemy of creation unfolds.
While the Imaginarium has physical walls within the River Arts District in Asheville, NC, its true boundary extends to the limitless confines of JP Sperro's imagination. The essence of this space exists within the very mind of the artist, the source from which all artistic creations spring forth. The Imaginarium is a realm of possibility where the artist dreams, plans, and begins the process of bringing his visions to life. This is the critical starting point of the creative process.
Brimming with diverse resources, the Imaginarium could be aptly named "The Creatatorium." It houses not only paints and brushes, but an array of supplies and materials. From panels being prepped for painting to a perfumery crafting inspiring scents, every corner of the studio serves a purpose in the larger creative process.
The Imaginarium isn't just a physical workspace. It's an environment imbued with optimism and the "Art Spirit". In this space, hope, or "Sperro," permeates the air. Every new day in the studio is a chance to create something truly special, a piece of art that could move and inspire.
No creation leaves the Imaginarium without the approval of the Chief Imagineer—JP Sperro himself. Only when the work of art is deemed presentable, when it captures the spirit of Sperro Art, is it allowed to step into the world.
Welcome to the Imaginarium!
The Imaginarium is more than a studio—it is the embodiment of JP Sperro's artistic process, a testament to the passion and dedication poured into every piece of art. It's an invitation to experience the magic behind Sperro Art, a journey that starts within the confines of an artist’s imagination and ends with a tangible piece of art that tells a story.
If you're ever near Asheville, NC, we invite you to arrange a private tour of the Imaginarium, a privilege extended to a select few. Not just anyone can step into the sacred space of creation. But as a valued patron or prospective owner of a Sperro masterpiece, you might just be one of the lucky few.